It’s an excellent choice for professionals, but beginners should consider their needs and budget.Kontakt Full includes a vast Factory Library, hardware integration, and extended functionality with NKS support.Kontakt Full has extensive instrument editing, sample editing, effects, and filters, while Kontakt Player limits these features.Kontakt Full offers over 1,000 instruments and 55 GB of sound, while Kontakt Player has 50 instruments and a 500 MB library.Kontakt Full is a premium sampler by Native Instruments, while Kontakt Player is a free, more limited version.Where Can I Get Free Kontakt Player Libraries?.What Are the Limitations of the Free Kontakt Player?.Main Differences Between Kontakt Full And Kontakt Player.Kontakt Player vs Kontakt 7 At a Glance.With the same instrument, more advanced users can really dig into PLAYBOX’s possibilities by adding their own samples and creating something brand new. Says Mickaël Le Goff, “A beginner can press one button, quickly randomise, and come across an interesting sound that can inspire their entire workflow. There’s also room to import up to 450 user samples, which can automatically be re-pitched to correspond to the notes of a chord.

PLAYBOX comes with a range of editable preset sounds, allowing users to layer all manner of sounds, from synth sounds to acoustic instruments and noise, into chords and sound stacks. Whether they’re a professional sound designer or a first-time producer, everyone has the ability to customise their sound, use their own samples and utilise their own chords.” “One of the goals of PLAYBOX is to pick people up at whatever level they’re at. “Our goal as creators was to establish a sound library that didn’t just focus on one specific sound, but instead explored the full spectrum of sounds available to us, and embraced the happy accidents you come across when working with randomisation,” explains Nadine Raihani, who began building PLAYBOX in her free time as a tool to refresh her workflow and kickstart creativity.